Resilient Governance in Niger
Ineffective governance leaves vulnerable populations at risk
Since returning to democratic rule in 2011, the government of Niger has taken important steps to curb corruption, increase transparency, and push for decentralization. However, the unstable economy, security concerns, and the refugee crisis have led to a realignment of national priorities, undermining the political will for reforms. The regions of Maradi, Tillabéri, and Zinder are particularly vulnerable and face serious development, humanitarian, and climate crises. Ineffective governance remains a challenge and limits the ability of the government to protect chronically vulnerable populations from the shocks of instability, conflict, and extremism. By strengthening local governance in target regions, RGN will improve recovery and allow the Nigerien people to collectively develop solutions that address their challenges and increase resilience.
Zonal forum for the collection of data on citizens priorities during the process of the participative budget in the commune of Dungass, Zinder region.
Giving communities the tools to shape their own destinies
The Resilient Governance in Niger activity strengthens the social contract between the state and citizens, and enhances individual, household, and community resilience in 19 communes in the Maradi, Tillabéri, and Zinder regions. RGN increases the capacity of communal governments to act as resilient hubs for inclusive local development, bringing together civil society (especially women, youth, and other excluded groups), the private sector, other tiers of government, donors, and stakeholders to support locally defined priorities.
Locally led development that allows communities to find solutions to local problems
- Enhance government officials’ understanding of their responsibilities for communal governance through a focus on peer learning and collaboration to resolve local problems. RGN promotes intra and inter-governmental collaboration and coordination by supporting commune-level coordination frameworks and ensuring their integration within regional level mechanisms.
- Build the ability of communes to carry out their core functions through action-focused capacity development, peer-to-peer exchanges, and mentoring. To promote participatory governance, RGN leverages open and accountable government mechanisms to increase citizen engagement in planning, budgeting and strengthen service improvement. RGN supports partner communes in developing multi-stakeholder resource mobilization strategies and public-private partnerships to promote communal self-reliance
- Promote awareness and confidence building among citizens, and support strengthening of Citizen Monitoring Committees, issue-driven coalitions, and learning and advocacy networks. RGN’s robust communication and behavior change campaign replicates earlier successful approaches in Niger, such as radio listening clubs, audio and video productions focused on political participation themes relevant to women and youth, and interactive voice response and text message technology
Alternative Espace Citoyen (AEC), Réseaux d’Appui aux Initiatives Locales (RAIL), and Initiative Knowledge Research and Technical Advisory (IKRA) are former collaborators of the project.